Monday, July 27, 2009

Diet and get healthy

Hello Women!

Welcome to my blog for women over 50! I'm happy you came, I hope you'll join in the discussion, come back often and tell your friends!

Now that I've got you here, we have alot to talk about!

From age 50 on is when the real fun starts! Forget about what 50 looked like when your mother was 50, forget about what 50 looked like when your grandmother was 50....It's a new day girls and we're a new 50! At this time of our lives we know who we are and we enjoy real self confidence! The beauty of a woman comes from her inner certainty! Oh yes, we've passed the age of confusion! Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt! (What did I do with that t-shirt?)

Never under estimate the power of a woman!

I'm going to be talking about diet and the impact a healthy diet will have on your life! Besides taking off unwanted pounds, becoming conscious of what your eating will help you to become conscious of other areas of your life as well! When I slow down and I'm more attentive to my diet, I become more focused in every other area of my life! That's a great side benefit and one of the reasons I promote dieting!!

Its easy to become robotic in our lives...we do the same things, the same after day...week after week...year after year...! We carry around that extra 5 lbs, 20 lbs, 40 lbs or even more! WAKE UP!

It's easy to get complacent about ourselves.... but take a look in the that what you want to see?

Learning how to give your body what it really needs, instead of what your brain thinks it needs or wants, is a step in the right direction! Actually putting a diet plan into practice....that's what we're aiming for! Whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 150 pounds every diet starts with a plan and a first day! One of the reasons I'm so excited about STRIP THAT FAT weight loss system is that you actually put together your own plan and include the foods you like! The system is all natural too. That drinks! Just good old fashioned food put together in a way that will help you lose weight and keep it off because you will learn a whole new way to eat! Isn't that exciting?

Taking your weight off is the easy part...keeping it off is why you need a healthy plan you can stick to for life! Whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 150 pounds every diet starts with a plan and a first day!

The idea of going on a diet causes many people a tremendous amount of stress! I've had people tell me that when they go on a diet they think about the diet every second, feel deprived and have the desire to eat more than when they're not on a diet! Your thoughts about food, diet, and being deprived are something you can change. They are only thoughts and they don't really mean anything, but your thoughts seem to be powerful enough to make you feel like you're starving.

Trust me, if you are eating the right types of food, even though your calorie intake is are not going to starve!

These thoughts set you up for failure!

Try noticing the thoughts that are in your mind when that "starving" feeling comes. If possible when they come up replace them with positive affirmations like:

* "I deserve to be healthy and thin!"
* "I have a great healthy body!"
* "I've had plenty of food today, my body is healthy!"
* "I love my body and its important to me that I take good care of it!"
* "I like to diet, I feel in control of my life!"

Now lets get to the facts here girlfriends!

It's only food!

It's just a are going to have another one in a few hours!

Eating is not an event! ...its not a hobby! ...its fuel!

I understand you LOVE to eat! Me too....but I prefer to look good in my clothes, feel self confident about the way I look and be healthy!

Its good not to have a double chin, high blood pressure or severe cellulite!

Face it, there are no advantages to being overweight! (Unless you are a Sumo wrestler!)

Not only do you cause yourself to be a victim and suffer everyday, you shorten your life span considerably!

Being overweight isn't healthy! Obesity is responsible for 325,000 deaths every year! Not a pretty picture!

Going on a healthy diet is sounding better and better isn't it? Starting and staying on a diet that's healthy means having a plan! Strip that Fat is a healthy and effective way to put your own diet program together. You can base it on foods that you like to eat anyway!

You have nothing to lose (except unwanted fat), and everything to benefit!

Diet and get healthy! The world is kinder to you when you are kinder to yourself!

Diet and get healthy! Its great to be fit!

Diet and get healthy! This is not a dress rehearsal! This is your Life!